GreenCoast understands the great importance of your privacy and will never sell, barter, loan, rent or otherwise share your personal information.
GreenCoast uses cookies on their website for a multitude of reasons. Cookies are mostly used to identify unique visitors to a website and secondly, to record statistical traffic-related data. This data is collected by us to help understand and tailor our websites to better cater to not only our computer users but to mobile internet as well. Our website is constantly improving to better serve your needs.
PLEASE NOTE: disabling cookies may cause portions of the website to work incorrectly. A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. If you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps websites respond to users as an individual. Cookies are used extensively within the GreenCoast Hydroponics shopping cart. GreenCoast considers all transactional data to be highly confidential and treats it as such. GreenCoast will collect the following during a purchase:
Addresses, billing and shipping
Credit Card Information (possibility to opt-out on saving financial info)
Previous purchase history
Telephone number.
GreenCoast DOES NOT sell, use or trade this data with anyone. This data is collected and kept private in your own account for the sole purpose of creating an ease for returning customers.
Our site uses SSL data encryption and a digital certificate which allows us to verify your identity and ensure that all online transactions of personal data are kept secure from outside parties.
GreenCoast Hydroponics has zero control over the privacy protection offered by third-party vendor links offered on the website. These questions are best directed toward the actual vendor themselves.
If you would like to opt-out (like a newsletter) or do not want information collected, send an e-mail to with the subject line OPT OUT. You can opt out of Google Analytics tracking here on the web.
GreenCoast is not liable to privacy-related concerns and problems when using the consulting service, as GreenCoast is only responsible for housing and keeping safe the personal data collected and required for the service to take place. Please keep in mind, all product will be safely delivered and packaged discreetly.
GreenCoast does not take part in the discussion on how to cultivate federally illegal drugs. While medical marijuana is legal in California, it still remains in a legal gray federally and GreenCoast is obliged to follow federal guidelines. The discussion of medical marijuana cultivation will lead to an automatic expulsion from the store.
GreenCoast has a tremendous amount of respect on the privacy of others, please do not hesitate to ask in-store on methods to ensure that a customer who strives for a discreet transaction gets just that.
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Commercial Services Center
This location is now Elevated Equipment Supply!